Aftermath Of Truck Accidents: Attorneys Play A Critical Role

Traffic accidents involving trucks aren't just an escalated version of car accidents; they are categorically more destructive and often deadly. While any accident can be traumatizing, truck accidents raise the stakes considerably. Let's examine the unique dangers of truck accidents and outline why hiring a bad-faith insurance lawyer should be a priority if your insurance company denies your claim.

Are Truck Accidents More Deadly Occurrence Than Car Accidents?

  • Large Size & Heavy Weight: Trucks are mammoths on wheels. A commercial truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, while the average car weighs just around 4,000 pounds. This significant disparity in size and weight leads to catastrophic outcomes in the event of a collision, resulting in severe injuries or even fatalities.

  • Longer Stopping Distance: Trucks require about 40% more time to stop than cars. When you factor in the speed at which these vehicles travel, even a few seconds can make a world of difference. The longer stopping distance can turn into a chain of irreversible events — one mistake can lead to a severe accident that could have been avoided if the truck had stopped in time.

  • Wider Turning Radius & Limited Agility: Maneuvering a truck is not easy. When trucks make turns, their long trailers swing into adjacent lanes, posing significant risks to other drivers. The inability to make quick, agile movements makes trucks prone to tip-over accidents, especially when navigating curves at high speeds.

  • Existing Blind Spots: Every vehicle has blind spots, but trucks have expansive blind spots on all four sides, often referred to as "No-Zones." When a vehicle is in these No-Zones, the truck driver cannot see it, increasing the risk of a collision.

  • Substantial Cargo Loads: Many trucks carry hazardous materials like chemicals or flammable substances. These materials can spill during an accident, causing fires or environmental hazards. These accidents could be far more disastrous than a standard car crash, making the need for caution even more critical.

  • Driver Fatigue: Federal regulations limit how many hours truck drivers can work, but the pressure to meet deadlines often results in fatigued driving. This mental and physical exhaustion significantly impairs the driver's reaction time and decision-making ability, leading to devastating accidents.

When tragedy strikes, you expect your insurance company to be your safety net. But what if your claim is unjustly denied? You should immediately contact a reputable bad faith insurance lawyer.

What Steps Does a Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer Take During an Insurance Claim Denial?

  • Claim Assessment: The bad faith insurance lawyer will comprehensively review your case to identify if the insurance company's denial constitutes bad faith.

  • Legal Guidance: Specializing in insurance laws, an attorney can help you understand your rights and potential courses of action.

  • Paperwork Navigation: Your lawyer will assist you in filing necessary documents and meeting deadlines, streamlining the complicated administrative process.

  • Negotiation and Litigation: If required, the lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company or represent you in court to ensure you receive fair compensation.

Secure Your Rights with Expert Legal Guidance

The toll of a truck accident is devastating, both physically and emotionally. But when insurance companies add insult to injury by denying your claim, a bad faith insurance lawyer can be your most potent advocate. Contact The West Law Firm today and we will guide you through the insurance claims process, ensuring you get the justice and compensation you deserve.

** Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor is it legal advice.

Brandon Shavers