Juul Litigation


Juul is no Gem

If you or someone in your family have been adversely affected by vaping (electronic-cigarette) products produced by Juul Labs, Inc., attorneys from The West Law Firm would like to hear from you.

We will provide a complimentary review of your circumstance.  We operate on a contingency basis, meaning you pay nothing unless we win your case.

What are E-Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, e-vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems, are battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which typically contains nicotine, flavorings, and other harmful chemicals.  Juul Labs, Inc., is now the largest producer in the e-cigarette industry.


Vaping Juul e-cigarettes (or Juuling), has been linked to a number of serious health conditions, including: heart disease, lung damage and seizures.

Incidents of death and injury associated with the use of Juul (and other e-cigarette products) are rapidly increasing throughout the country.  Currently, more than 40 people have died (in 24 states) and more than 2,100 people (in 49 states) have suffered lung-related injuries, or EVAIL (e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated with lung injury) as defined by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

A Growing Health Hazard

The U.S. Surgeon General has singled-out the Juul “vape pen” for a new wave of nicotine addiction among youth, leading to adult smoking and a growing variety of long-term health problems.

According to the American Lung Association, “The mid-to-long-term consequences of e-cigarettes are not yet known, as it's a new product and has been sold for less than a decade in the U.S. While much remains to be determined about these lasting health consequences of these products, we are very troubled by what we see so far. The inhalation of harmful chemicals can cause irreversible lung damage and lung diseases.”

A Case of Public Mistrust: Juul Labs, Inc.

Juul Labs, Inc., the company that holds an estimated 70-percent share of the e-cigarette market, is valued at $24 billion.  Since 2007, the company has marketed its e-cigarette products to the teen and youth market.  The Juul “vape pen” is cleverly designed to look like a computer flash drive which can be charged in a laptop USB port.    

There is increasing evidence that Juul Labs, Inc. engaged in deceptive marketing practices about the safety of its products and in specific promotional efforts to target the youth market to encourage the use of Juul products.

A growing number of personal injury lawsuits against Juul Labs, Inc. have been filed throughout the U.S.

This is an appropriate response by individuals who have been injured by a company whose deceptive practices and products have resulted in an increasing number of deaths and long-term injury to thousands.

We’re Here to Help

The West Law Firm -- with more than 50 years of trial-tested experience in personal injury and class-action lawsuits -- is here to help victims of injury related to Juul vaping products.

The time to act is now.  While research is now underway, no one knows the long-term effect and potential damage caused by Juul e-cigarette vaping products.

If you or someone in your family has been diagnosed or treated for a vaping-related injury, please call us for a private, complimentary consultation.

We do not charge a fee unless we recover financial compensation for you.