Are You Eligible To File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit in OKC?

When someone we loved died because of someone's negligence, we get so traumatized that we don't understand what we should do at that moment. But after someday, when everything gravitates, we realize that the financial crisis is at the top of our heads. The thing that hurts us most is the thought that the death of our loved ones could be preventable.

But that did not happen because someone breached their duties. You can sue the responsible party to get justice for your suffering and solve the financial problem you are already facing. Before taking any legal action, our advice is to consult a professional Wrongful death attorney in Oklahoma City because things can get dirty to get justice.

What Is A Wrongful Death Situation?

According to Chapter 12, Section 1053 of the Oklahoma Statutes, wrongful death due to negligence is when someone dies because of another person's intentional or reckless conduct. As per Oklahoma law, you can apply the wrongful death action in various situations which lead to death. It can be because of medical malpractice, motorbike accident, nursing home abuse and car and truck accidents.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Wrongful Death Lawsuits?

In Oklahoma, you must file a wrongful death lawsuit with the help of a criminal death attorney within two years. Remember, when the defendant party is the state itself, Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act may shorten the deadline. That's why you should take action as fast as possible to sue the opponent party. Once the statute of limitation is over, the court will dismiss your case, and wrongful death lawsuit lawyers can't take any legal steps.

Who Can File A Lawsuit According To Wrongful Death Attorney?

Only a representative of the deceased person can file a wrongful death lawsuit. That means the next of kin can start the legal process on behalf of the victim party. On a special note, the representative individual is not the only person who can get the compensation paid for the victim's death. After recovering the damage, the wrongful death attorney will distribute the money according to state law.

Does The Wrongful Death Attorney Pursue Monetary Compensation In Which Aspects?

As per Okla. Statutes, Title 12, Section 1053, the victim party can claim the following types of damage in the court:

● Punitive damages

● Mental pain and suffering of a deceased person

● The grief of the surviving spouse

● Loss of companionship to the parents and children

● Medical and funeral costs

● Financial loss to spouse and children

Leave Court To Us

We know you are in a lot of pain, but the harsh reality is that life still goes on. If you are a deceased person's spouse and parent of their child, you have more enormous responsibilities than just grieving. However, if you suspect someone's negligence is the reason your loved one is no more, google "wrongful death lawyers near me."

The West Law Firm in Oklahoma City will be on your side and provide all the legal help and guidance you need to get the compensation. Contact us at 405-275-0040 for a free consultation because our Wrongful death attorney doesn't claim a fee unless they recover compensation for you.

** Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor is it legal advice.