Difference between Truck and Car Accident

truck accident

You may think that the process of pursuing a claim for reparations is similar for all road accidents if you were injured in a car or truck accident. In fact, between two passenger vehicles and one with a semi-truck or tractor trailer, there are substantial legal differences between accident injuries.

An expert auto accident lawyer will understand these legal differences between a car accident and truck accident, to represent your case in a competent manner and to provide you with the payment you deserve.

Truck Accident Causes

Car accidents are mainly caused by one driver's carelessness or negligence, such as mobile phone conversations, changes to radio, or eating. It can cause an accident if you turn your eyes away from the road a second or two ago.

On the contrary, truck accidents often lead to crashes not because of distraction from the driver, but because of problems relating to blind spots, slow braking, acceleration and wrong carrying load.

Car and Truck Injuries

Passenger vehicles are often between 3,000 and 4,000 pounds, but trucks often exceed 80,000. Although a risk of injury is always present in any road accident, the likelihood of serious injury in truck accidents increases considerably. Spinal and brain injuries as well as organ damage are among the types of injuries in truck accidents.

This can lead to higher hospital bills, longer holidays and even the failure to earn the previously earned income. A truck accident attorney will be fighting to compensate those other factors, but the defendant's insurance company will try to minimize payments.


The trucking company may immediately send an investigating officer on the scene to get proof document, take photographs, and interview the eyewitness, whereas the injured may not have direct access to the professional in the event of an accident among two passenger cars.

The focus is generally limited to the actions of the drivers involved in assessing responsibility in a car accident. Liability may extend to a number of parties in a truck accident.

Each problem could extend responsibility to another company. The focus would not be on the driver, but on the loading company, if the accident was caused by improper loading. If maintenance problems lead to a crash, the prosecution would probably deal with the mechanic and the truck's owner.

In all this, the public interest is strong to ensure that trucks are secure. A number of regulations and requirements have been imposed on Oklahoma and federal lawmakers in order to ensure that truck drivers are properly trained, properly resting and well-kept.

Unfortunately, all trucking accidents cannot be stopped by these regulations. Sometimes a careless driver is running into a little car with tragic results.

If this happens, the injured person or their relatives can seek justice through the legal proceedings for personal injury. This legal action offers another way to prevent careless driving of truck drivers and can provide a crucial way to deal with the long-awaited aftermath of a terrible accident for injured and families.

The parties which could be held liable for one way or another truck accident proceedings differ from other types of motor vehicle accident proceedings.

There is one plaintiff and one defendant in a traditional car accident case. The applicant is the wounded person and the accused is also a driver who caused the accident by negligence. A driver responsible for damages suffered by the injured person, such as their healthcare expenses, lost wage, pain, suffering and more may be held liable for a negligence accident. However, the driver can be held accountable if the negligent driver is behind the wheel of the commercial vehicle, too. This means that the injured person may sue not only the driver but also the trucking company and maybe other parties if he fails to cause an accident in which another driver is injured.

The number of responsible parties can be expanded for several reasons. One is simply to maximize one's opportunity to be fairly offset. As truck crashes are likely to cause severe injury, their medical expenses and other damage are likely to be enormously expensive. A truck driver who is negligent alone cannot afford to compensate the injured or their families. However, the trucking employer is most probably in a position to pay full damage with a substantial insurance policy.

At The West Law Firm our auto accident lawyers in Oklahoma help the clients to get their claims when the justice is denied.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor is it legal advice.