How Can a Car Accident Attorney Ensure Fair Settlement?

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident in OKC is daunting, especially when it comes to seeking rightful compensation. You're dealing with pain, medical bills, and possibly lost wages, while insurance companies might try to lowball your settlement. How do you ensure you're not being shortchanged? This is where an accident attorney in OKC steps in. They're your legal advocate, fighting for your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. Let's learn how they assess the damages, both economic and non-economic, to build a strong case for your claim.

Initiating a Car Accident Settlement

After a car accident, you might receive an early settlement offer from an insurance company. Before accepting, consult an accident attorney. They will assess the fairness of the offer by investigating the accident's cause and calculating your total damages, including both economic and non-economic losses.

Assessing Economic Damages in Car Accident Settlement

Evaluating economic damages is crucial in determining compensation in car accident settlements. Your accident attorney will account for various costs to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Previous Medical Expenses

Medical bills encompass any treatment received for injuries from the accident. This includes emergency care, surgeries, medications, and hospital stays. Your attorney will compile evidence from medical records and invoices to substantiate these costs.

Anticipated Medical Costs

For severe injuries requiring ongoing treatment like physical therapy, you can claim future medical expenses. Even if these costs haven't been incurred yet, they are essential to your settlement.

Lost Wages from Missed Work

Recovery often necessitates time off work. You can claim compensation for these lost wages. Your accident lawyer will calculate your earnings and the duration of your absence to determine this amount.

Future Earnings Loss

Injuries that hinder your ability to work or reduce your earning capacity warrant compensation for future lost earnings. This calculation considers your current income and age to estimate the financial impact.

Vehicle Damage

Accidents often result in significant vehicle damage. Your attorney will assess repair or replacement costs based on your car's type, condition, and age. In severe cases, the vehicle might be deemed a total loss.

Decoding Non-Economic Damages - Your Accident Attorney's Guidance

After calculating economic damages, your auto accident attorney will assess your non-economic damages, the intangible losses stemming from your emotional and physical suffering. These damages encompass pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, mental anguish, disfigurement, and loss of consortium. The amount you can recover varies based on factors like age, the severity of your injuries, and their long-term impact. A young person with a permanent disability, for instance, might receive higher compensation for loss of enjoyment compared to an older individual with less severe injuries.

The Multiplier Method Explained

This approach involves totaling your economic damages and then multiplying that sum by a specific number. This multiplier is chosen based on the outcomes of similar injury claims in your jurisdiction, taking into account your location, the severity of your injuries, and other relevant factors.

Severity and Multiplier Range

For more severe injuries, a higher multiplier is used. For instance, a broken leg that is expected to heal completely might use a multiplier of one. In contrast, a severe head injury requiring ongoing treatment could use a multiplier of five. These multipliers can vary significantly depending on your location and specific circumstances.

State Laws and Their Impact

Your state's laws (in this case Oklahoma) will also influence the settlement amount. In at-fault states, the driver responsible for the accident must cover the damages, typically through their insurance. Conversely, in no-fault states, you can receive insurance payments regardless of who caused the accident.

Legal Caps on Damages

Some states impose caps on non-economic damages. Therefore, consulting an experienced accident attorney in your area is essential for an accurate case evaluation and to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Your Accident Attorney - Your Advocate Throughout the Settlement Process

While you focus on healing after a car accident, an accident attorney can shoulder the legal burdens. They'll handle evidence collection, deadlines, and paperwork, ensuring you don't miss any crucial steps in your personal injury claim. Acting swiftly is key, as there might be time limits for filing a lawsuit and notifying your insurance company.

Consultations with most accident attorneys are free. During this initial meeting, they can offer an estimated case value based on their experience with similar cases and discuss potential next steps. While precise figures might be impossible, this consultation is a valuable opportunity to understand the potential compensation you might be entitled to and discuss the attorney's fees.

Injured in an Accident? We're Here to Help

If you've been injured in a car accident in OKC, don't deal with it alone. The West Law Firm's experienced accident attorneys in OKC are here to guide you through the process, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. We'll fight for your rights while you focus on healing. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you secure your future.

** Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor is it legal advice.