Post Automobile Accident : The Dos and Don’ts

According to the data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly 62,000 crashes were reported statewide in Oklahoma. Of these, over 600 were fatal.

Car accidents can be the source of lasting trauma but thankfully most people get in motor crashes only a few times in their lifetime. Auto accident lawyers on the other hand have dealt hundreds of such cases every year. God forbid, if you ever get into an accident, take it from a lawyer on what to do or not to do immediately after the crash.

Dos After An Automobile Accident


After you have been involved in an accident, stop, either out of necessity or moral responsibility. No matter how minor the accident is, if it involves two vehicles and causes property damage, injury or death, you are required by law to halt. Not complying can lead to Oklahoma law charging you with hit-and-run. In cases of injury, a hit-and-run is punishable with up to 10 days in jail. If the accident involves the death of the driver and/or passengers of the other vehicle you will land a jail sentence of 1 year or more.

Don’t panic and find a safe, unobtrusive corner of the road to park your ride. Place traffic cones or reflectors around the area to warn oncoming traffic of the accident.

Call 911 immediately

Call 911 to seek help and inform the local police. Informing the police is going to help you when you file insurance claims. A police investigation will assess fault and the report can be the basis for your claim.

Failing to report the accident can lead the court to suspend your driving license for a period 30 days and sometimes even warrant an arrest.

When police record your account, make sure to stay calm and recount an accurate depiction. Stay close to the facts and avoid disclosing any unnecessary details. 

Take Picture Proof

Taking pictures of the damage after the accident can provide visual proof which strengthens your ground for the insurance claim. Without hindering the first responders, take clear pictures that will amount to proof. 

Get Medical Attention

Even if the injuries aren’t as apparent, take yourself to the ER. The impact from the accident can result in serious spinal cord injury, head injury or concussion. If left undiagnosed and untreated you run the risk of impaired health and severe complications.

Your medical report can also act as supporting documents in the insurance claim/lawsuit.

Don’ts After An Automobile Accident

Don’t Forget to Collect Information

It is normal to panic after you have been in a crash but we will still suggest trying to keep your cool and collect the following information from the involved motorists:

  •        Name

  •       Address

  •        Contact Info

  •        Driver’s License Details

  •        Vehicle Registration Details

  •        Auto Insurance Company and Policy Details

It is also recommended to exchange contacts with any witnesses present at the scene. A witness to back your version of the events can help you out if the other driver or insurance gives you trouble.

Don’t Admit Fault

Never admit fault without having all the facts first. Apologizing is a common response from people after they have totaled a car but don’t forget that anything you say can be used against you in the court of law. If you apologize, the police might see it as accepting fault. Contact an auto accident lawyer before making a statement and let them guide you to prepare one.

Where to Seek Help After an Accident?

Have you been in a car accident recently? We know how harrowing it can be. Let us help with our skilled and experienced attorneys who won’t back down until they have won. We don’t charge any money until we have recovered fair compensation for you. Schedule a free consultation with Oklahoma’s best auto accident attorneys today.

** Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor is it legal advice.