Protect Your Rights: When to Hire a Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer?

When an insurance company cannot fulfill its policyholder's duty, an individual must seek help from a professional bad faith insurance lawyer. We purchase insurance policies to get covered and protected during financial and other emergencies.

These insurance policies cover life-changing events. We pay a certain amount, believing they will provide coverage in challenging times. In case the insurers deny a claim, there are no other options besides hiring a bad faith insurance lawyer to protect our rights.

What Is a Bad Faith Insurance Claim?

When an insurance company refuses to meet its commitments to its policyholders, they are considered guilty of bad faith. They can do it in various ways - either by failing to investigate and process a claim within a certain period or refusing to pay a share. Common examples of bad faith insurance claims are:

  • Request unreasonable proof for a covered loss

  • Misrepresent the terms of an insurance contract to avoid paying

  • Unable to disclose limitations and exclusions of an insurance policy before an individual purchases it

When Should You Hire a Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer?

An attorney tries to guide you in a legal matter. They will be on your side no matter what. But an insurance adjuster is quite the opposite where a lawyer works for you; the insurance adjuster works for the insurance company.

Remember, insurance companies prioritize their business here. They make money from the premiums that people pay for coverage. But they profit less when they have to provide claims.

When an insurance company does not accept your claim and you believe they act in bad faith, it's time to call bad faith insurance lawyer.

If you don't get what they claim, there are one of two things may happen. Either your insurance company acts in good faith but underestimates the importance of your claim or they breach its contract with you.

In the first scenario, you should involve a lawyer with expertise in medicine and finance and assess the severity of your claim. But in case the second scenario is true, then your bad faith insurance lawyer escalates your claim to a higher level to get a solution or advises you to apply for a lawsuit.

Giving You Advice That Matters

In general, insurance companies look out for their profits above all. They try to avoid paying claims as much as possible. When the insurance policy refuses to accept the claim, the policyholder can file a lawsuit to get what they deserve. The professional bad faith insurance lawyer at The West Law Firm can review your case's circumstances and help you find ways.

** Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor is it legal advice.