The Role of Medical History in a Personal Injury Claim

Medical History Form

Personal insurance covers injuries if you have something go wrong that is under your coverage. There are several ways to file a claim. But be aware when filing for the claim, if you have an influential medical history. It might affect your claim. Prior injuries which are of a similar nature may have an impact when you present your claim. The insurance company may defend themselves and try to discredit or reduce your benefits. The situation is a difficult one to handle. If you live in OKC, you can call a personal injury lawyer to help you with the case. It will be his or her responsibility to gather the evidence to ensure your claim is successful.

If you have the misconception that the prior injury will not affect your present claim, you are wrong. You need to provide evidence to support your present injury claim. Seeking help from both yourself and medical experts, it is part of your lawyer’s job to help you to receive the full claim.

While you are investing in insurance, make sure you are not hiding anything from the insurer. It is better to understand the limitations and coverage before a crisis period arises. You can at least be prepared for what you have. If the insurers find at the time of filing the claim that you have had a prior injury, they may reject the claim and you will be in hot water. It is always better to be transparent to the insurer, doctors and the personal injury attorney as well. Honesty is always the best policy.

personal injury claim

In case you are filing for your personal injury claim, learn how you can make it easier for you.

  1. Collecting the medical bills is essential.

  2. Along with this, the doctor’s notes, diagnosis and treatment prescriptions are needed. Keep all these documents safe.

  3. Keep a diary about treatment, your pain levels and the progress report.

  4. Adhere to the medical advice provided by your doctors.

In OKC, people often need a personal injury lawyer to handle their case. Without an experienced and expert lawyer, it is not best practice to just work with the insurance company’s lawyer. If you are in such a situation, don’t hesitate to call The West Law Firm to get the people with expertise and the maximum out of your insurance.

** Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor is it legal advice.